The Royals are 10,080 unique art collectibles created by BTC and powered by Digital Matter Theory. The project aims to inspire a movement that pushes the boundaries of Crypto Art.
The Royals are not a png, and much more than just code that creates randomised art. Each Royal’s traits are determined by patterns that occur on the BTC blockchain. Future Royals may appear when those patterns occur again.
We hope to become one of the most iconic examples of art on Bitcoin, and inspire a new standard for digital collectibles onchain that sit at the intersect of art and tech.
You can acquire a Royal on Mscribe, where the art is rendered fully onchain, or on Magic Eden. All Royals on both marketplaces have been validated. Follow us on X for announcements or join our holders only Discord. ___________________________
🟧简介 The Royals 是由 BTC 创建并由数字物质理论(Digital Matter Theory)支持的 10,080 个独特艺术收藏品。该项目旨在激发一场推动加密艺术边界的运动。
The Royals 不仅仅是一个 PNG 文件,远不止是生成随机艺术作品的代码。每个 Royal 的特征都是由 BTC 区块链上出现的模式决定的。当这些模式再次出现时,未来的 Royals 可能会再次出现。
您可以在 Mscribe 上获取 Royal,那里的艺术品完全在链上呈现,或者在 Magic Eden 上获取。两个市场上的所有 Royals 都经过验证。关注我们的 X(推特)以获取公告,包括我们将启动官方 Discord 的时间。
The Royals are 10,080 uniquely generated characters. No two are alike with each trait determined by patterns in it's block number. Originally, The Royals were minted as the first fair and wide distribution mint of Digital Matter Theory using priv authority, created by the Trac team. Minters battled it out on an interactive Block pad created by Mscribe in a PvP environment. Only those with WL access could mint a Royal (a first) without any front-running, creating a fair mint with wide distribution. ___________________________ The Royals 是 10,080 个独特生成的角色。每个角色都是独一无二的,每个特征都由其区块编号中的模式决定。最初,The Royals 作为数字物质理论的第一次公平广泛分发铸造,通过 Trac 团队创建的 priv authority 铸造。铸造者在 Mscribe 创建的互动区块板上进行了 PvP 环境中的战斗。只有那些有白名单(WL)访问权限的人才能铸造 Royal(这是第一次),没有任何抢先铸造,创造了一个公平且广泛分布的铸造过程。
The DMT basics
Pattern-driven generation can lead to the creation of unique and novel digital products that are inherently tied to the blockchain's historical data. The Royals supply is determined based on the occurrence of the pattern “cc” in the hexadecimal bits field of Bitcoin's block data. Each Royal is associated with a specific Bitcoin block, and only exist for blocks containing the pattern “cc”.
2010 is the first time the cc pattern occurred on block 38304, where it had "0x1d008cc3" in the bits field.
The bits field is associated with mining difficulty and adjusts every 2016 blocks (approximately every two weeks) - which is also why you get 2016 created at a time, Any difficulty period corresponding to the occurrence of the pattern “cc” will produce a new set of 2016 Royals.
There have been five difficulty periods with the pattern cc, producing 2016 Royals in total. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2017 & 2022 ___________________________ DMT 基础
基于模式驱动的生成可以创造出与区块链历史数据内在关联的独特且新颖的数字产品。The Royals 的供应量是根据比特币区块数据中十六进制 bits 字段中模式“cc”的出现情况决定的。每个 Royal 都与特定的比特币区块相关联,并且仅存在于包含“cc”模式的区块中。
2010 年是模式“cc”首次出现在区块 38304 上,当时 bits 字段中有“0x1d008cc3”。
bits 字段与挖矿难度相关联,每 2016 个区块(大约每两周)调整一次难度——这也是为什么一次会生成 2016 个 Royal。任何难度周期对应于模式“cc”的出现将产生一组新的 2016 个 Royal。
到目前为止,共有五个难度周期出现了模式“cc”,共生成了 2016 个 Royal。分别是 2010 年、2011 年、2012 年、2017 年和 2022 年。
The Breakdown
Number: 10,800 current supply Code: P5js Element: #cc element ___________________________ 细分
数量:10,800 目前供应量 代码:P5js 元素:#cc 元素
Mscribe our official launch partners who built the blockpad infrastructure. The Block Runner Podcast with Will and Iman. EV the founder of Natcats for paving the way for UNATS. The Trac team for building the priv authority to allow for a fair mint and stop front-running. My own team, especially Fab, Mattohno for the extra work on this project. My BTC Babbies/PUNKAYC community. ___________________________
感谢我们的官方启动合作伙伴 Mscribe,他们构建了 blockpad 基础设施。
感谢 Block Runner 播客的 Will 和 Iman。
感谢 Natcats 的创始人 EV 为 UNATS 铺平了道路。
感谢 Trac 团队构建 priv authority,允许公平铸造并阻止抢先交易。
感谢我的团队,特别是 Fab 和 Mattohno,在这个项目上付出了额外的努力。
感谢我的 BTC Babbies/PUNKAYC 社区。
Last updated